WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 1 0:00:01.440 --> 0:00:10.280 At Leibniz University Hannover, we make a significant contribution to social requirements of our time and tomorrow’s world. 2 0:00:10.280 --> 0:00:14.640 Excellent, international and across disciplines. 3 0:00:15.360 --> 0:00:19.720 Our goal is to unite science and life. 4 0:00:23.720 --> 0:00:28.000 Optical technologies will change our lives. 5 0:00:28.000 --> 0:00:34.000 We investigate how we can melt down moon dust into building material with lasers; 6 0:00:34.000 --> 0:00:38.760 and how we can reduce weeds on fields with intelligent laser systems. 7 0:00:43.560 --> 0:00:50.320 What will future organ implants look like and what kind of medication will cure us in the future? 8 0:00:50.480 --> 0:00:54.360 We investigate how we can produce blood vessels via 3D printing 9 0:00:54.360 --> 0:00:58.620 and we want to find out how we can heal with light. 10 0:01:04.380 --> 0:01:08.220 What is the connection between eye tracking and teacher training? 11 0:01:10.200 --> 0:01:15.240 Our teacher training courses are future-oriented and will shape tomorrow’s schools. 12 0:01:23.340 --> 0:01:29.320 We focus on making future recycling processes more effective and more sustainable. 13 0:01:29.320 --> 0:01:34.500 We investigate how complex components can be repaired and preserved efficiently. 14 0:01:35.880 --> 0:01:41.640 And how can tomorrow’s production become connected, smart and resource-efficient? 15 0:01:47.100 --> 0:01:51.000 We analyse effects between society and science 16 0:01:51.000 --> 0:01:57.300 and we want to find out how good science can work and how we can safeguard scientific findings. 17 0:01:58.440 --> 0:02:02.120 Can and must science meet all expectations? 18 0:02:06.900 --> 0:02:12.720 We work on making quantum computing a reality via quantum sensors. 19 0:02:12.720 --> 0:02:18.300 Can new technologies push the boundaries of measurability – both on a small and a large scale? 20 0:02:19.400 --> 0:02:24.280 And we measure gravitational waves in order to gain a better understanding of our universe. 21 0:02:27.080 --> 0:02:30.880 How can we improve the generation of electricity from wind energy 22 0:02:30.880 --> 0:02:34.680 and how can we use solar energy more efficiently? 23 0:02:34.680 --> 0:02:39.000 We want to establish green hydrogen as tomorrow’s source of energy. 24 0:02:39.000 --> 0:02:46.880 We also investigate how the transition to an environmentally sound energy supply can be supported and sustained by all. 25 0:02:51.900 --> 0:02:58.000 At Leibniz University Hannover, we work, teach, learn and conduct research 26 0:02:58.000 --> 0:03:02.560 in the spirit of our namesake, the universal scholar Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. 27 0:03:03.280 --> 0:03:06.880 From the big picture to the tiniest detail. 28 0:03:06.880 --> 0:03:14.480 Guided by our motto: Global thinking, interdisciplinary research: the spirit of Leibniz!