More about Hannover

Chemical Risk Assessment Goes NGRA
Throughout our lives, we are exposed to a wide range of chemicals, making the safe handling of chemicals very important. At present, legally mandated risk assessments are conducted using classical toxicology, based on data from animal testing. Researchers at Fraunhofer ITEM are actively contributing to the paradigm shift towards animal-free, safer, more effective, and more sustainable risk assessments. They are developing new assessment strategies known as "Next Generation Risk Assessment."

International Students and Part-time Jobs
Many international students need a job to finance their studies in Germany. That’s why reliable information regarding job opportunities and current legal regulations is essential. We answer the most important questions on how to combine work with studies if you’re an international student in Germany.

Climate Change: Heat, Drought, Heavy Rainfall
The impact of climate change on cities will increase significantly in the coming years. What measures is the state capital of Hannover taking to counteract these effects in the long term? How is university research being applied? Employees from various specialist departments and the Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs provide an overview of current and planned projects.

Research on Optical Technologies at Leibniz Universität Hannover
The key research area Optical Technologies at Leibniz Universität Hannover brings together researchers from across disciplines who work in the areas of laser physics, production engineering, material development, computer science and electrical engineering. The video shows examples of how the research results will be applied in medicine, agriculture, the development of parts and components, and the optimisation of traffic in future. For example, there is a lighting measurement track at the Mechanical Engineering Campus and a newly developed skin cancer scanner. And Opticum will provide a new research building for collaboration between more than 100 researchers.

Blue Transition Interreg project starts to identify solutions for the North Sea region in times of climate change
The Interreg North Sea Region research project Blue Transition led and coordinated by the LIAG Institute for Applied Geophysics (formerly Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics) gathered for the first partnerschip meeting in the Central Denmark Region. In 16 pilot projects, the partners in Blue Transition create knowledge and strategies to adapt groundwater use and management in natural, agricultural and urban areas to climate change. There partners come from Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and France.

Experience Cutting-Edge Research
Leibniz University Hannover holds a leading international position in our six key research areas: Biomedical Research and Technology, Quantum Optics and Gravitational Physics, Optical Technologies, Production Engineering, Interdisciplinary Studies of Science and Energy Research. The film shows which topics the researchers in the various areas are studying.
Digital Health City Hannover
Digitalisation in the health sector and artificial intelligence can support the development of new, effective treatments, lead to lower costs and help patients to take greater responsibility for their own health. Hannover's strong scientific infrastructure for medical informatics and artificial intelligence, its hospitals, nursing care institutions, incubators and networks makes the city the perfect place to put new ideas into action.More information at

Incontri – Institute for New Music
Incontri is the place at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media where young people from all over the world come together to study composition and develop their ideas. With concerts, workshops and lectures, the Institute for New Music is also a mediator for contemporary music and creates a forum for encounters between the public, composers and their music.

50 years of Hochschule Hannover - University of Applied Sciences and Arts!
Since 1971, students have been able to complete numerous applied degree programmes, have done so and have taken off into a successful future. On the occasion of the anniversary, we let our alumni have their say under the motto "50 years - 50 alumni". What are they doing today and how did they experience their student days? In this video we find out exactly that from Rebecca and Manuel. University President Josef von Helden also gives an outlook on the future of the HsH. You can find more exciting alumni stories from all faculties and various degree programmes at our university here:

The path towards a sustainable energy supply
Leibniz University Hannover has been conducting energy research for many years. The university contributes its research expertise in order to transform the energy system with sustainable energy sources. We introduce research collaborations, centres and facilities that work on these promising issues in videos.

Sounding rockets launched into space
On 2 December 2023 a research alliance, in which Leibniz University played a crucial role, launched the MAIUS-2 high-altitude research rocket into space. This mission’s purpose is to investigate ultracold quantum gases under zero gravity.

No winter break for ticks in Germany
Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine’s Institute of Parasitology have found that ticks remain active in winter.

MHH pioneers use of customized implant in external ear canal
For the first time, the Department of Otolaryngology at Hannover Medical School (MHH) has provided an adult patient with a customized implant for the external ear canal. The implant, which is 3D printed, is additionally designed to continuously and locally release an active substance to accelerate healing.

MHH launches teaching module for post-amputation rehabilitation
RehAmpTT, a teaching module developed by Hannover Medical School, is a digital support programme for healthcare professionals, amputees and their families, available in Ukrainian and German.

Can oyster reefs withstand rising sea levels?
A collaborative project involving Leibniz University has looked at whether oyster reefs and mussel beds on the German coast can adapt to rising sea levels caused by climate change.

Using artificial intelligence to recognize pain in cats
Artificial intelligence (AI) provides great opportunities to improve recognition of pain in cats, thus allowing for more humane treatment. A joint research team – from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) and the Department of Information Systems at the University of Haifa in Israel – is convinced of this.

Scent detection dogs helping sniff out the causes of long COVID
Trained sniffer dogs are able to detect post-COVID syndrome (long COVID) by scent. In their ‘Dogolomics’ project, a team of researchers in human and veterinary medicine is seeking to track down the causes of long COVID by finding out which substances the dogs can smell. They thus aim to pave the way for improved detection of this difficult-to-diagnose condition.

SpongeScapes will help combat climate change
An international project with participation from Leibniz University addresses the topic of "sponge landscapes".

Leibniz University to be part of a wider ‘European University’
Leibniz University (LUH) is to receive 1.6 million euros from the European Union. It is being awarded this funding under the ‘European University’ initiative launched by the European Commission.

Hannover home to the world’s largest wave machine
Germany’s minister for economic affairs and climate action, Robert Habeck, and Lower Saxony’s minister president, Stephan Weil, jointly inaugurated the extended wave current flume in conjunction with participating scientists at Leibniz University and TU Braunschweig.